Hunting Waterbuck in South Africa
Waterbuck are large greyish-brown antelope with shaggy hair and impressive horns.
Waterbuck Characteristics
Scientific Name : Kobus ellipsiprymnus
Weight : 200-250 kg
Shoulder Height : 1,2m
Breeding Season : Waterbuck breed all year-round
Minimum Rifle Calibre : .270
IDENTIFICATION: Waterbuck are large greyish-brown antelope with shaggy hair and impressive horns. The most prominent feature on the Waterbuck, is a white ring on the behind encircling the tail. The hair is coarse, shaggy and long. Only the males have horns.
HABITAT: Grasslands along rivers, floodplains, marshes and are always within a few kilometers of water.
BREEDING: Waterbuck breed all year-round; 1 calf is born after gestation period of 8-9 months (About 240 days)
DIET: Predominantly a grazer. They will however occasionally browse.
CHARACTERISTICS: This strong, well-built animal is found in small herds which are headed by a dominant bull. Bachelor herds are sometimes seen.