Hunting Kudu in South Africa
King of the Spiral Horns, nicknamed the Grey Ghost of the Eastern Cape Bush.
Kudu Characteristics
Scientific Name : Tragelaphus Strepsiceros
Weight : 270kg (m), 150kg (f)
Shoulder Height : 1.4 (m), 1.7 (f)
Breeding Season : February to March
Minimum Rifle Calibre : .270
DENTIFICATION: Kudu are large, elegant antelope with impressive horns and white stripes on the back. The female has prominent ears. With age, the males become darker against the neck when hair loss occurs. The East Cape Kudu has a much darker coat than that of its cousin the Southern Greater Kudu, and at times the males will carry a very impressive beard running down the front of the neck. Only the males have horns.
HABITAT: Woodlands, bushlands, dry semi desert and areas that have sufficient food and shrubs for shelter. Also found in rocky terrain with water nearby.
BREEDING: Seasonal with most births in February – March: 1 calf is born after a 9-month (210 days) gestation period.
DIET: They are browsers which eat fruit, seed pods, melons and young grass shoots. Also raid crops. Fairly independent of water.
CHARACTERISTICS: These gregarious animals are found in herds of up to 12. Bulls are either solitary or in groups of mature bulls. Kudu are found in well-bushed regions and in hills. Shy, timid animals, they are experts at remaining motionless for long periods when suspicious. When the Kudu runs away its tail is turned upwards so that the white under parts show – a sign of alarm and direction.
They approach water carefully and are mainly active at night. Their call is a loud bark and their sight, sense of smell and hearing are all excellent. Grazes in the early mornings and late afternoons; rests in the shade during the hottest part of the day.